Navratri (9 Nights) is 9 Nights & 10 Days worship of Durga Mata celebration of the Goddess Amba, (the Power) where Hindu religion worship 9 forms of Maa Durga during these days. Hindus prefer to honour the goddess with Saatvik Food at home and maintaining cleanliness and holistic environment in their homes. The last day of the worship is followed by famous Hindu Epic Festival Dussehra (A epic tale of win over evil ).
To keep up the energy levels you need to take proper diet. After all your body is your temple, isn’t it!
Top 5 high energy food that can be taken even if you are fasting.
- Almonds known as the power house of energy has natural brain tonic. It boosts the immune system. Almonds boosts energy and regulates the metabolic rate.It satisfies hunger and prevents constipation as its high in fiber content.
- Walnut the king of nuts with highest quantity of nutrients amongst all the nuts. It’s a heart food as it protects your heart. It improves metabolism. It induces sleeps, if you are unable to sleep without taking solid diet then just much a handful of walnuts before you go to bed.

3.Dates are good source energy, vitamins and minerals. Dates regulates digestive processes. It can significantly boost the energy levels within 30 minutes of its consumption. Also if you break your fast with eating dates then you don’t tend to over eat. The high nutrients from the dates are absorbed and the feeling of hunger is pacified.

4.Kashmiri dried figs are sweet tasting fruit. It acts as a laxative due to high fiber content. It’s filling and nutritious. It prevents muscular degeneration. Its rich in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids hence protects your heart from diseases.

5.Raisins are fibrous its keeps the bowl movements good and helps to eliminate toxins from the body. When you fast you may suffer from digestive issues hence figs are good to keep it under control.

Consume these nutrient concentrate energy power house during Navratri and always.
Wish you all a happy and healthy Navratri.
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