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Fight off cancer with Apricots

Healthy Food Posted By PureMart 23rd May 2015 Views : 2837    
Fight off cancer with Apricots

Apricot is a golden yellow fruit, which is very tasty and fibrous. Apricots are relative to peaches, however they are much smaller in size. The world's largest producer of dried apricots is Turkey. In India Ladakh is one of the best producer of apricots. apricot-05 Apricots are eaten fresh during the season and in the dried form for rest of the year. Apricots fruit seed has edible kernel which is consumed. It is bitter in taste, hence oil is extracted from it and used for several medical conditions including CANCER. apricot_healing Apricots are traditionally preserved by drying the fruit in the sun for days. Hence the sun dried apricots are darker in the colour due to sun exposure. These are the most safe and chemical free products. Another method of apricot preservation is, chemical treatment where the apricots are treated with sulfurdioxide . The chemical imparts vivid orange colour to the fruit and also extends the shelf life and is harmful for health. Apricots have anti-cancer properties. Hence whether you are fighting with cancer or you have a family history, a little change in your life style and diet can make huge difference to fight cancer. Some foods increase the risk of cancer while some prevent cancer by improving your immune system.Hence by making smart food choices you can protect yourself from not only cancer but other dreadful diseases. Why Apricot is considered to fight cancer? It’s because Apricots have less fat, high fiber, and more cancer-fighting nutrients. These three elements work together to support immune system and help the body fight off cancer. Not only the apricot fruit but its seed kernel have promising effect on cancer. The apricot pits (seeds) contain a compound called glycosides which are a combination of sugar and cyanide. Toxic enzyme produced by cancer cell triggers break down of sugar which released cyanide; this in turn kills the cancer cell. Healthy cells are not killed by cyanide as healthy cells produce an enzyme which makes cyanide harmless. Apricot kernels also affect cancer cells by inhibiting the blood flow to the cancerous cells or tumor.If the tumor does not get blood supply then it die eventually. Healthcare professional’s advice cancer patients to eat dried apricots regularly as it fights and prevents cancer. Now coming to the nutritional and healthy benefits of dried Kashmiri apricots. 1. Apricots are rich in vitamin A, C, copper, calcium, manganese and iron. Hence good for eyes and skin. Good for bone health and bone marrow production. 2. Sodium and potassium content of apricot helps to maintain the fluid balance in the body so that nutrients are distributed to all the organs appropriately. 3. Apricots are rich flavonoids hence prevents heart diseases. 4. Carotenoids and xanthophylls present in apricots protects eyes from age related damage. 5. Apricots are rich in fiber hence cures constipation. 6. More than half of the total dietary fiber provided by apricots are soluble fiber; hence aids in lowering the cholesterol. 7. Apricot oil (few drops) when put into the ear canal, cures ear aches. 8. Apricots prevent fevers. 9. Apricot cures eczema, itching and scabies. 10. Aids in curing asthma and cancer. 11. Treats anemia. 12. Apricot oil is used against tumors, swellings, and ulcers. 13. Apricots are considered an aphrodisiac. Apricots should be stored in a cool dry place. You can refrigerate apricots after opening the pack to increase its shelf life. Internet has made our life easy and comfortable. You can now order Healthy Dried Kashmir Apricots sitting at home from http://www.puremart.in/kashmiri-dried-apricot/5/ and enjoy the benefits of this tiny fruit.