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Health benefits of Wheatgrass

Healthy Living Posted By PureMart 29th Oct 2015 Views : 739    
Health benefits of Wheatgrass

Apart from other festivities of Navratre one of the custom is to sow wheat seeds in a pot on the first day of Navratre and allow it to germinate to sapling, generally known as “Saakh”. This wheat grass is worshiped as Goddess Durga. On the 10th Day its immersed into the river. Wheat grass has many health benefits associated with it along with the religious beliefs. wheatgrass-benefits Its considered as powerful health food supplement and is loaded with concentrated enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and chlorophyll. Chlorophyll present in the wheat grass which gives the green colour to the plant. It helps to activate the white blood cells in humans and hence boosts immune system. This in turn keeps you healthy and gives you the strength to fight infections and diseases. Another great health benefit of wheat grass is that it reduces the blood pressure and alleviates stress. This quality is a boon for today’s life style. Just take a shot of wheat grass a day and feel lite as a feather. It also consists of Beta carotene which detoxifies the body. Eliminates toxins and keeps you healthy. It has many vitamins like A, B,C, E and K. these vitamins in totality improves your digestion and yes it controls tooth decay as well. It restored the alkalinity in the blood and circulatory system. It detoxifies the liver. It has the properties to heal sore throat and mouth sores. Also if you have any cuts or bruises then don’t worry just apply wheatgrass on your wounds to get it healed naturally. It’s a good remedy for preventing hair from graying and retaining its luster, so forget about artificial hair colouring, which is loaded with chemicals. Fix the root cause of hair graying. For all the people suffering from bad breath, here a good news for you. Wheat grass sweetens your breath and prevents bad breath in the morning. So you can sing along " paas aao paas aao na...ohhhh" confidently. For all the people who want to loose weight then please note that wheatgrass is a super food for breaking down fats as it has an enzyme which plays a major role in breaking fats and hence keeps you slim. So now you know that along with the exercise and dieting if you include wheat grass in your routine then the chances of getting slim is doubled. For all the beauty conscious people this is it. Wheat grass has proven anti-aging properties. So make sure you include wheat grass in your diet apart from all the other beauty regimen.Forget about costly anti-aging treatments. Grow your own wheatgrass at home and use it to stay young and healthy. How to eat/drink or consume wheat grass? wheatgrass-juice2 Its simple and easy.

  1. Place a handful of wheatgrass into a juicer.Drink 1 to 2 ounces of wheatgrass liquid as a shot.
  2. Use organic wheat grass powder available in the market to make tea. Put 1 teaspoon of wheatgrass powder in boiling water simmer for few minutes and drink.
  3. Mix a handful of wheat grass with a carrot and blend to make a juice. Discard the pulp and drink.
For all the busy people who do not have time to grow wheat grass or use raw one. There are easy options available in the market just log onto www.puremart.in and get your pack of organic wheat grass powder at your doorstep. You can drink wheat grass juice 2-3 times a day and be in the pink of health always.